Friday, January 14, 2011

This is my photo shop image that I made. When I made this I used tools like layers to make the colors more balanced I added a blue sun to make is more interesting. I changed the contrast to give it a more of the feeling of being all alone in a wasteland with nothing in it that is why I used a background of a dessert it helps give the viewer a feeling of loneliness like being on an alien planet. I also darkened the shadows on the image to make is more sinister. This make the atmosphere very different as it switched from mood to mood. I changed it with curves and balanced it with a higher brightness. I made a duplicate layer to make parts of the image darker. I used the sharpen took the make it more realistic

1.      I used layers to make is easier to work with
2.      I layered blue sun to the top right
3.      I added more contrast
4.      I darkened the shadows
5.      I added a header